
Great excuses you can use if your teacher no longer accepts yours……

All My Great Excuses

A Funny School Poem for Kids

by Kenn Nesbitt

I started on my homework

but my pen ran out of ink.

My hamster ate my homework.

My computer’s on the blink.

I accidentally dropped it

in the soup my mom was cooking.

My brother flushed it down the toilet

when I wasn’t looking.

My mother ran my homework

through the washer and the dryer.

An airplane crashed into our house.

My homework caught on fire.

Tornadoes blew my notes away.

Volcanoes struck our town.

My notes were taken hostage

by an evil killer clown.

Some aliens abducted me.

I had a shark attack.

A pirate swiped my homework

and refused to give it back.

I worked on these excuses

so darned long my teacher said,

“I think you’ll find it’s easier

to do the work instead.”

Copyright © 2007 Kenn Nesbitt

All Rights Reserved


Life´s unfair for a teen…..or is it not?


I raised my hand in class this morning,
sitting in the back.
The teacher didn’t see, I think.
Instead she called on Jack.

I stretched my hand up higher,
but she called on Zach and Zoe.
I started bouncing up and down,
but, still, she called on Chloe.

I waved my arms but, even so,
she didn’t call on me.
She called on Bryan, Brooklyn, Billy,
Bailey, Ben, and Bree.

She called on Taylor, Tristan, Thomas,
Trinity, and Ty.
Then, finally, she called my name.
I breathed a heavy sigh.

She asked me for the answer.
I just frowned and clenched my knees,
and said, “I’ve no idea,
but could I use the bathroom, please?”

–Kenn Nesbitt